Sunday, March 11, 2012

Recruiting Loners

Driving around last night with a friend (one of the two friends I have), I thought about what I always think about when it's just us two dudes - - namely: I wish we had a broader circle of friends. This wish is counter to my loner nature. I guess I'm conflicted or something. I've said before that the best friend for a loner is another loner. The best circle of friends for a loner, then, must be a circle of loners. At what point do loners fall out of the category of loner and become non-loners? Maybe I shouldn't be thinking in these terms and using this label, loner.

Earlier yesterday in our roaming, we were in a spiritual bookstore, and I saw a guy who looked really familiar. I realized he was a guy whose picture I'd seen a lot at He initiates lots of spiritual meetups, but I don't think they are very well attended. I was thinking, Wow, I should talk to that guy. It would have been weird though. Hi. I recognize you from your photo - - because I've considered attending one of the many meetup groups you've initiated - but - for some reason - I never have.


  1. You know what I love about your posts and your blog? In this age of FB and friend tallying, there you are, unabashedly talking about your one of two friends, and I love it! Loner has some weird connotations sometimes. But for we folks who prefer to surround ourselves with either just ourselves or a very select few, it is just what feels right. I second guess everything, or I used to more so when I was younger. I would have regretted not going up to the guy in the store in my earlier years. Now I would have approached him, but I would have been red-faced and it would have worn me out for the rest of the day -used up my quota of spontaneous social interaction. I think what you have to say is often funny and I hope you have time, with your busy work week, to post more often.

  2. I don't think that would be weird. The bravery of talking to him at all would have cancelled out the allusion to being antisocial.

    I liked your question though as to how many loners does it take to make a person social!

  3. Hello Al_One,
    I and my wife will do things together but rarely get together with anyone else, and we like it this way. Plus we spend a lot of time by ourselves away from each other at home, in which we find very relaxing!
